8 Reasons Why Women Cheat!

Cheating is never acceptable, no matter what.  However, cheating women seem to share similar excuses for why they cheat, and unfortunately, this is backed by self-reported data.

1. Mediocre "Intimacy"

This could mean anything from kissing to other sexual activity. It's normal for every relationship to decline in intimacy over time, especially in a long-term relationship or marriage. 
 Truthfully, however, poor intimacy will likely be one of the deciding factors regarding if your relationship will last, or end in misery. Most women have admitted that a lack of intimacy is the number one reason they fell out of love.

2. Poor Communication

One of the most important factors in a short-term or long-term marriage or relationship is the decline of communication. Be open-minded, honest, and don't ignore your significant other or their needs.

3. Overdone Sex drive (Hypersexuality)

This is not something most women will admit to, however, just like anything else, sex can become an addiction for both men and women. If your lover can not satisfy you, this may not be just a sign of poor performance, but hypersexuality. Check with your Doctor.

4. They refuse to be alone

Women can sometimes refuse to be alone regardless of how unhappy they have become. Think about your happiness and safety first, which is more important than being considered a couple.

5. Lack of Compatibility

You don't have to be twins, but your differences must compliment each other. If you find that your opposites don't attract, then it's time to call it quits, although you should do this sooner than later.

6. To Enact Revenge

Petty, but true! Some women (and men) cheat because of vengeance. This never helps the situation, and only causes further emotional scarring. Don't do it!

7. Immaturity

Not respecting yourself, the relationship, or your significant other is immature.  If you are no longer in love, be honest, and end it, and don't let your immaturity create a history of bad decisions that will surely come back to haunt you.

8. Selfishness
People do not understand what love is, and are not willing to learn, especially if it doesn't cater to what they want. Educate yourself on the strengths and weaknesses of being in a relationship, and know before you commit, if you are willing to be devoted fully. 

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