Is the Earth Flat or Round? ** Some says it's Flat!

                      Is the Earth Flat or Round?

The Greek philosopher Aristotle argued in his historical writings that the Earth was a spherical object, because of the annular and circular shadow that it cast when the earth passes directly between the sun and the moon causing an eclipse. He also taught that the concept of boats that sailed over horizons disappeared hull first and stars changing positions at different latitudes supported the theory that planet earth is spherical. While most of us were taught that the earth was round for as long as we can remember, there are new reports that support the theory that the earth is indeed flat. How else would one walk around, drive a car, ride a bike, or build a home with the highest level of stability if the earth was round? To prove this theory, or at the least discount it with any fundamental level of credibility, flat-earthers will have to not only discredit Aristotle's studies but also discredit NASA and let me go on record as saying that will be very difficult. If NASA's theory supports the earth being round due to geodesy which is the science of measuring earth's shape, gravity and rotation, then flat earther's will need to at the least provide scientific photos, change the calculation of the earth's circumference, explain how the positions of the stars and constellation in relation to earth, and disprove how GPS and other satellites have been used to measure the earth's size to within a centimeter. Simply put flat earthers need to produce pictures from space that show that the earth is flat instead of round like the moon. Because the earth is not a perfect sphere it does wobble a bit, but science with a doubt supports the theory that the earth is still round. Why would the earth be flat, and it's playmates the sun and the moon are circular? There is a war between old fogies who swear by the earth ball like circumference and flat-earthers whose support is gaining steam. Until the latter overtakes those who believe the earth is round, the vast majority of humans will continue to draw an outline of circles when making a sketch of planet earth.

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