Should You Veganize Your World?
Should You Veganize Your World?
Your body needs a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Any diet with fewer calories than normal can cause unhealthy weight loss and malnutrition. The American Cancer Society suggests that your meals be two-thirds plant-based. In other words, the bulk of breakfast, lunch, and dinner should consist of fruits, vegetables, beans or grains. The other one-third can be meat (approximately 3 ounces per meal and no more than 18 ounces per week). If you choose to eat meats, they should be lean and you should avoid frying when possible, and delete processed meats out of your diets as they contain preservatives, and are high in sodium. As with all diets or diet changes, consult your physician for professional consultation.
The best source of Protein
Excellent source of Iron
Enriched with Vitamin B, Riboflavin, Thiamin & Niacin
Meats especially red meats have high levels of saturated fat
Can raise your cholesterol
Is linked to heart disease, cancer & Diabetes
When processed, contains high levels of sodium which can raise your blood pressure
Lowers your risk of developing high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Lower in fat
High in Fiber. Vegetarians are typically healthier, and non-smokers
Green veggies are healthy and low in calories
Vegan diets are more environmentally sustainable. Increases the intake of antioxidant
Vegan diets center on eating more wholesome, plant-based foods. Better cardiovascular health
Helps to protect animals and inhumane animal cruelty. Improves your digestive system
Vegan diets may help retard the human aging process
A full vegetarian diet can result in quicker weight loss, but you can lack energy
May lack natural calcium, essential fatty acids, folic acid, and other essential vitamins
Can be heavy in carbohydrates
Vegan diets can be low in protein which you
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