Democrats vs Republicans - Is your Political Party Affliation worth the Demise of your Relationship?
Democrats today say the donkey is smart and brave, while Republicans say the elephant is strong and dignified. Albeit, both can be true, the resulting damage of having to choose can be detrimental to relationships, business associates, and basic respect between party affiliates. The world is in an uproar and split because of political party differences. As a nation, we have to begin to put some perspective on this controversy. One very simple path that can be explored is to come to a mutual respect that there are very obvious and distinct differences between parties, and it is unlikely that will ever change. Another is to look deeply into how the differences complement each other while understanding that too much of any one thing can be unprofitable, and unhealthy. We eat and enjoy food because we have learned the importance of the essential nutrients, and of course the taste that pleases the palate. Most of us wouldn’t eat ice cream or cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or pasta three times a day. Why? Because it is nutritionally unhealthy, unbalanced, and causes medical and health issues that can ultimately shut down the body’s ability to flourish. That is also true as it relates to political party affiliations whatever they might be (because there are others as well). Therefore, we must begin to take another look at how both parties have postures that enhance each other, and thus making both parties relative, and necessary. I am not talking roasting marshmallows or having a Kumbaya moment, but understanding that in order for our country to begin to heal, we have to concede that hatred and being incensed by opposite parties have not worked. I have heard of instances where best friends of 30 plus years, family members, and even marriages have failed because of political party affiliation wars. Don’t throw away your friends and family because of your political party differences as you may actually need them one day to visit you in the hospital, or just to be there for strength and support, and you must know that your political party affiliation can’t do that right? To be perfectly honest, neither party has perfected the art of effectively managing the country, nor does it appear one can do it without the other. There is a respectable and wise way to deal and co-exist when in the company of political party differences. Avoid the subject altogether, or when you are engaged regarding someone’s views or posture that you disagree with, simply state, “Yes, both parties are necessary”. Remember that which is good and profitable, have balance, and substance, and should be complemented by experience, knowledge, and the ultimate interest of achieving the best outcome for the citizens at large. Life is too short, precious, and valuable to spend enormous amounts of time, fighting and seeking to destroy each other because people don’t embrace the same political party. Furthermore, you can’t actually believe that only one party has all the answers right? America – We have to get it together.
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