YOGA - Does it work?
The new buzzword for exercising and the newest vitality fads come and go, but virtually no other strengthening program is as enduring as yoga, which has been around for more than 5,000 years.
Yoga does more than burn calories and tone muscles. It's a total mind-body workout that combines strengthening and stretching poses with deep breathing and meditation or relaxation.
There are more than 100 different forms of yoga. Some are fast-paced and intense. Others are gentle and relaxing. Here are some examples of how YOGA can benefit the body:
Core: Targets almost every core muscle. Want to tighten those love handles? Then prop yourself up on one arm and do a side plank. To really burn out the middle of your abs, you can do boat pose, in which you balance on your "sit bones" (the bony prominences at the base of your pelvic bones) and hold your legs up in the air.
Arms: Yoga, you don't build arm strength with free weights or machines, but with the weight of your own body. Some poses, like the plank, spread your weight equally between your arms and legs. Others, like the crane and crow, poses, challenge your arms even more by making them support your full body weight.
Legs: Yes. Yoga poses work all sides of the legs, including your quadriceps, hips, and thighs.
Glutes: Yes. Yoga squats, bridges, and warrior poses involve deep knee bends, which give you a more sculpted rear.
Back: Yes. Moves like the downward-facing dog, child's pose, and cat/cow give your back muscles a good stretch. It's no wonder that research finds yoga may be good for relieving a sore back.
Flexibility: Yoga poses to stretch your muscles and increase your range of motion. With regular practice, they'll improve your flexibility.Aerobic: Yoga isn't considered aerobic exercise, but the more athletic varieties, like power yoga, will make you sweat. And even though yoga is not aerobic, some research finds it can be just as good as aerobic exercise for improving health.
Strength: It obviously takes a lot of strength to hold your body in a balanced pose. Regular practice will strengthen the muscles of your arms, back, legs, and core.
Sport: Yoga is not competitive, and that in itself is awesome! Focus on your own practice and don't compare yourself to other people in your class.
Low-Impact: Although yoga will give you a full-body workout, it won't put any impact on your joints.
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