10 Things Women Must Have from their Man in a Relationship
It can sometimes be difficult for men to understand exactly what women need from them. Men are not mind-readers, neither do they confess to be. They want your needs spelled out, and they want nothing left to the imagination. (Not too pushy though) Men collectively believe women are complicated, and just want clarity when communicating their needs or desires. Women, on the other hand, feel very differently. They don't feel like it's very confusing at all and agree that women are indeed wired very differently which is actually a strength, not a weakness. Ultimately, women say they want to feel safe and to have a healthy emotional bond with their special someone and feel confident that no matter what, their significant other is there for the long haul. Check out the list below for 10 things those women surveyed said they needed in a relationship:
- A sense of Humor - Women love men that can strike the perfect balance of sexy, smart, and resourceful, but don't forget the sense of humor, its paramount in keeping a relationship healthy.
- Forthrightness - Women want men to be honest and upright about everything. No hidden agendas.
- Strength - Women want their man to be consistent, dependable, and a force to be reckoned with.
- Loyalty & Acceptance - Women are often rejected by other women, and sometimes even close loved ones and friends. Women need their man to stand by them no matter what; and be there to see them through all of life's complications and disappointments.
- Appreciation - Women hate being taken for granted. It gets old really quickly, so learn the art of reciprocation.
- Affection - Most Women's love language is "personal touch" So men don't be shy about your affection privately and in public.
- True Love - Men seem to be motivated mainly by sex, and although women love to engage in sex, they want and need to know that they are your "only true romantic love". No side-chicks or other love interest. This will destroy the trust and ultimately the relationship.
- Emotional Awareness - Women need men to be aware of their feelings and understand how to protect them emotionally and physically.
- Humility - Leave the Ego at home!
- To Feel Safe - Women need to know that men want to be in the relationship for the long haul, and is not on the fence, with one foot out the door. Men need to be certain about what they want and should learn the perfection of translating that emotion to their woman.
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