Traveling is Good for your Health

When traveling, you may have never linked jet-setting to a benefit for your health. However, more recent studies show that traveling helps both your mental and physical health, and it inspires your inner soul. The good news is that you can travel whenever and wherever you want, and the only real restriction is time and money. Once you have saved a nice travel nest egg, and have strategically planned your travel excursions, you are off to a world of excitement, exotic adventures, and timeless travel, that will help you to take deep breaths that wash away stress, and anxiety.

The happier your hormones are the better opportunity you will have to stave off anxiety, depression, and other mental stresses. Traveling gives you the benefit of leaving your troubles behind while giving your cardiovascular system and lungs the well-needed exercise it needs by taking long walks and breathing in the fresh mountain air. It's more than flying across the country, but using that opportunity to put your mind in time out, and place it in a no tolerance zone. Health studies support the theory that people who travel on a regular basis have happier lives, and are less likely to suffer from as many health issues as those who don't. 

The location of your vacation has no impact on the benefits, whether you spend most of your time in one place, or take a long road trip across the country, just remember to leave your stresses behind, and don't' forget your walking shoes. Moving around, learning the new culture, trying new cuisine, and taking long peaceful naps makes your body, and mind, RELAX.

What vacations mean for your body, is less pressure period. Your brain relaxes, which causing your entire body to unknot itself, and digress. So when planning your next vacation, do it often, and leave all your troubles behind.  Your Body, Mind, and Soul will thank you!

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