Top Flat Belly Blast Secrets for Summer 2018

Summer 2018 is here, and you won't meet a person on earth who doesn't dream of a flat belly. Whether to enhance your sexy or to simply rock your favorite summer outfit, flat bellies are in and are among the most coveted nurtured body part in the history of time. You have seen fad diets come and go, but these trade secrets will get your body closer to that beach-ready body that you have dreamed of. 

  • Eat a nutritious breakfast that is high in protein, and break your meals up into 6 small healthy meals per day.

  • Use Blue Plates or Bowls. According to a more recent study published in Contact, those who ate inside a blue room ate 33% less food. Since most of us don't have blue rooms, purchase blue plates and bowls which has been proven to make your meal appear less appealing, which means you will eat less.

  • Remember to exercise in morning. Rapid and consistent weight loss results according to research published in Medicine & Science in Sports found that exercising for at least 45 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise in the mornings can not only curb hunger but also decrease food cravings throughout the day.

  • Journaling what you eat, how much, and what time, has proven to double the weight loss results.

  • Savor some Oolong Tea which is rich in catechins that boost the body's ability to burn fat. According to a study published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, subjects who drank oolong tea regularly lost about six pounds in six weeks. 

  • Snack on prunes as these dried plums can actually reduce hunger cravings and control your appetite.
  • Prunes are also an excellent source of fiber.

  • This may be controversial, but the American College of Nutrition concluded that those who followed a vegetarian diet that was heavy on veggies, beans, grains, nuts, fruits were able to reduce muscle fat and improve metabolism. This eating regiment has proven to be the most effective diets for weight loss goals.

  • Skip the soda period!  Studies have proven that the average person consumes approximately 220 calories per day from beverages alone that have no significant nutritional value. Stick with water, and spice it up with fresh lemon or other low sugar fruit.

  • Ditch artificial sweeteners. Remember, there is no such thing as zero calorie substitutes really help to pack on the pounds. Purdue University found that artificial sweeteners like saccharin and sucralose actually promote weight gain rather than prevent it. Therefore, avoid all artificial sweeteners and revert back to the old-fashioned water.

  • Eat healthy fruits and vegetables, and consume the peel, especially apple peels that ursolic acid found in apple peels helps increase muscle and brown fat, both of which torch calories. Be sure to properly wash your fruits so avoid contamination.

  • Get a full night's sleep. The International Journal of Obesity determined that losing out on sleep causes the body to promote more cortisol, which is the hormone that triggers the body to store fat.  So don't neglect your 7-8 hours of mandatory sleep per day.

  • Spice up your meals with curcumin, the polyphenol in turmeric which has been known to promote weight loss, especially when combined with black pepper. This is a secret fat blasting formula discovered at Tufts University.

  • Remember carbs are not all bad, although the concept of staying away from carbs is controversial, experts have proven that eating good carbs such as whole grains, and staying away from bad carbs, such as processed foods are good for the body, and are also high in fiber, which allows them to move through the body without spiking hormones levels, or promoting fat storage.

  • Skip the processed and prepared food in the cold and freezer section. Although it effortless and quick according to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition discovered that eating these type of meals are linked to an increased risk of excess belly fat and obesity.

  • According to Virginia Commonwealth University when the temperature drops, "Bad" white fat cells take on the characteristics of brown fat cells that burn energy, so turn down the thermostat to 66 degrees to help increase metabolic activity by 10 percent in just one month. This summertime slimming secret is effortless and works while you are sleeping.

  • The caffeine in "Coffee' increases levels of epinephrine (adrenaline) in the body which signals the fat cells to break down fat for energy. Coffee is awesome for the body, and its natural, but light on the creme and sugar (avoid if possible) and ditch the artificial sweeteners.

  • Eat and snack on smaller plates.  In a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, doubling the size of a person's plate while they were serving themselves correlated with a 41 percent increase in the amount of food they ate.

  • Resistance training produces 56 percent higher human growth hormone levels (HGH) than those who did cardio. HGH actually oxidizes fat and builds muscle, plus more muscle equals more long-term calorie burning, which is a win-win for you.

  • Drink water before every meal. Water has a satiating effect that helps the body feel full, and downing at least a two eight-ounce glasses of water before a meal helped people to lose up to 2.87 pounds more than those who went right for the plates.

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