Drink this Miracle Liquid for Quick Weight Loss and Health Benefits

Take this "Apple Cider Vinegar" Challenge for Weight Loss, Oral Health, and Much More.
ACV is pungent, cloudy, and impactful to most body issues, including weight loss. It is multifaceted and has taken the world by storm. While some believe it's just hype, ACV has proven to shed unwanted pounds, and aid in minimizing many medical conditions.
ACV was first recorded in China dating back to 1200 B.C. In ancient Greece, around 400 B.C., and the father of modern medicine prescribed ACV mixed with honey for many illnesses including coughs and colds. Today experts have determined despite the critic's "shade" that ACV is one of nature's greatest gift to mankind.
Every alcoholic beverage, whether it is made from apples, grapes, dates, rice or just plain white sugar, once exposed to air, it will naturally turn to vinegar. It is the continuous and permanent bacteria in the air that converts the alcohol in cider, wine, and beer, into acetic acid, which gives vinegar its characteristic keen and sour taste. So it is safe to say that ACV is not new, however, its progression and exposure within the last decade has raised a few eyebrows or two as to its burly strength.
Benefits of ACV:
  • Helps to control blood sugar and regulate insulin
  • Helps with digestion of food
  • Makes you feel fuller
  • Reduces your appetite
  • Assist with weight loss/fat
  • Improves metabolism
ACV can be sprinkled on salads, or drank as a daily tonic. Use 1 tablespoon of ACV with approximately one cup of distilled water 2-3 times a day preferably before meals. If the tablespoon volume is too strong, start with a teaspoon, and work your way up. Feel free to add other natural spices to make it more palatable.
Acid Dilution | Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which is as a weak acid. When drinking, always dilute it with water or juice (about a tablespoon to a cup). Be careful leaving undiluted apple cider vinegar on skin and tissues, as the acid could start to irritate and inflame the area. ACV does, however, work great as a skin tonic to revitalize and treat acne and other skin conditions,  but be careful applying it. Always dilute ACV in water for most applications, and as always, check with your Health Professional to assure that ACV doesn't conflict with your medication or other medical treatment.

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