6 Ways to Learn to Love Yourself

Learning to love yourself can be tricky. It almost seems unfair when you compare yourself to those who appear to match the status quo, or that the world at large finds more appealing, attractive, or popular. In reality, one can never really know who is actually happy, or how introspectively another person is feeling. Therefore cease comparing what you deem to be your weaknesses to others, or looking in the mirror and wanting to see something else. Authentic beauty is internal, and can not be duplicated. It doesn't fade, neither does it resent others greatness. Learning to love yourself starts with accepting who you are, your size, ethnicity, gender, and social economical status. Life is far too short to spend time allowing envy to absorb you. Make yourself the you, that your inner self will be proud of and want to be!

  • Accept who you are, where you are from, and why you exist

  • Dig deep and find your purpose. Your purpose is what you are effective at.

  • Never compare yourself to others, it's useless and exhausting.

  • Wake up your sleepy inner-self, and view every day as a new opportunity to be better than the last.

  • Never depend on others to inspire you, that's your job.

  • Always have a Mentor in your life, you must learn from someone who is wiser than you.

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